Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thoughts on Social Media

To use social media, especially Facebook, is to perform unpaid data entry work for a major corporation. It is amazing how many people do not understand that this is exactly what they are doing every time they log in and update their profile, post on somebody's wall, etc. They are inputting the information which is the basis for Facebook's revenue stream. They are not users as much as they are employees without paychecks.

Having performed paid data entry for major corporations, I really have no idea why so many people of my generation are so eager to perform such boring, repetitive tasks without any compensation. It really boggles my mind. Data entry is a shit job, sort of the digital equivalent of flipping burgers. I wouldn't dream of doing it for free in my spare time, certainly not for a company like Facebook, certainly not when the data is my own personal information.

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